Teya Business Account

One-stop money management

You can earn, spend, and borrow all in one place with a Teya Business Account. No more juggling different platforms, just one app to view and manage your money.

Teya Business Account

One-stop money management

You can earn, spend, and borrow all in one place with a Teya Business Account. No more juggling different platforms, just one app to view and manage your money.

Teya Business Account

One-stop money management

You can earn, spend, and borrow all in one place with a Teya Business Account. No more juggling different platforms, just one app to view and manage your money.

Teya Card Machine

Cashback on every spend

Every time you use your Teya debit card, you'll earn 0.5% cashback. It's a small bonus that adds up over time, helping your business' money go further.

Teya Card Machine

Cashback on every spend

Every time you use your Teya debit card, you'll earn 0.5% cashback. It's a small bonus that adds up over time, helping your business' money go further.

Designed to be simple

| Your sales and spending in one place.

| Mobile-first, web-enabled.

| Flexible settlements.

| Real-time payments.

Designed to be simple

| Your sales and spending in one place.

| Mobile-first, web-enabled.

| Flexible settlements.

| Real-time payments.

Use your Teya debit card with Google Pay™

Add your Teya card to your Google Wallet™ to unlock hassle-free phone payments. It's quick, easy, and secure.

Use your Teya debit card with Google Pay™

Add your Teya card to your Google Wallet™ to unlock hassle-free phone payments. It's quick, easy, and secure.